In addition to a detailed plan, those who want to found a company first need one thing: sufficient capital. Own funds and start-up loans are on the one hand, on the other hand you should also consider existing financing opportunities. Sometimes there are considerable sums, many of which are also in the form of non-repayable grants, free money, so to speak.
In no case should you refuse it, in most cases setting up a company is still a very expensive thing and the available capital is usually limited. Plus, with every grant, you get valuable feedback for your business idea.
In our article you will find the most important sponsors and funding for founders and startups in Mainz, which you should take a look at.
Regional start-up financing – Here you get money in Mainz
In addition to the well-known start-up funding offered by the federal government, there are always regional programs that often rely on EU funding funds. But this is where the differences in the regions and their respective focus on startups become apparent… not all federal states have the same number of programs, competitions and actors in funding.
Most of the funds are available at the Investment and Structure Bank of Rhineland-Palatinate. On the other hand, distances in the city are short and ISB's representatives in the start-up ecosystem are out and about a lot. Then you have a good chance of meeting your funding contact directly at one of the start-up events.
All funding schedules, updated information and deadlines for submission of tenders are available on Startup website of the Ministry of Economy RLP. – Rhineland-Palatinate scholarship is intended to enable start-up projects to materialize and to support founders in further developing their business idea in an innovative and creative technology area or in relation to new innovative services, business models or production and bring it to success. It should be supported in particular in updating a viable business and financial plan, in developing marketable products and innovative services, and in taking the first steps towards opening markets. The first point of contact for founders is an accredited network, which is the business development department of the state capital Mainz, IHK for Rheinhessen, HWK Rheinhessen, Designforum Rheinland-Pfalz, Johannes Gutenberg University Startup Center, Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Unimedizin Mainz and Gutenberg Digital Hub.
For who: Entrepreneurs who have founded the company no more than 12 months ago at the time of the application or who have not yet established it can apply. The company must be incorporated no later than three months after approval. Entrepreneurs who have already received the RLP start-up grant for a start-up project in the past cannot be funded again. The registered office and place of residence of the founders must be in Rhineland-Palatinate and they must be at least 18 years old.
What exactly is funded: The object of the grant is the promotion of innovative, creative, sustainable, social start-up projects. The development of new markets and customer groups as well as the development of new business models should also be promoted.
Head: The funding is in the form of a non-repayable grant. The maximum amount of the benefit is 1,000 euros (gross) per month for a maximum of 12 months.
Financing conditions: Startups that address at least one of the following points are eligible:
- the development of new or significantly improved productions, products or processes compared to the state of the art or
- new services, business models or sales channels that promise clear customer benefits and unique selling propositions in at least one regional market
The business idea must also show sustainable economic prospects for success.
place: Promotion
Investment and Structure Bank Rhineland-Palatinate (ISB) start-up advisory program
The program is a non-refundable grant for consultancy costs in the context of starting a business or business succession.
For who: Natural persons intending to set up a business in Rhineland-Palatinate in the fields of industry, trade, commerce, tourism, other services and self-employed professions, as well as entrepreneurs intending to sell their company
What exactly is funded: Advice before establishing a full-fledged independent existence, also in the case of the takeover of existing companies
delivery height: 50% contribution for consultancy, admissible consultancy: maximum 800 euros per day
Financing conditions: Applications through Chamber of Competence (Chamber of Crafts, Chamber of Industry and Commerce and State Association of Freelancers), approval is granted by ISB
Consultation and constitution can only begin once ISB's communication of approval has been received.
ERP Starter Loan RLP of the Investment and Structures Bank Rhineland-Palatinate (ISB)
The low-interest ERP starter loan RLP is based on KfW's universal ERP starter loan. The ISB makes the already cheap loans of the KfW even cheaper. The ERP RLP start-up loan can be applied for in the following program variants:
- Loan for investment and working capital (program number 574)
- Non-liability investment credit (program number 577)
For who: Business founders in the commercial sector and self-employed persons, commercial companies (crafts, trade and other service industries) according to the applicable EU definition of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and self-employed persons within five years of starting business
delivery height: Maximum loan amount: €2 million for investment loans, €500,000 for working capital loans
Financing conditions: 100% of the costs can be financed with a loan, term variants: investment loan for 5 years (1 year interest free), 10 years (2 years interest free) and 20 years (3 years interest free), working capital loan : 5 years (1 year without interest), requested via internal bank
Loan to entrepreneur RLP of the Investment and Structure Bank Rhineland-Palatinate (ISB)
The low-interest ISB entrepreneur loan RLP is based on the KfW entrepreneur loan. The ISB makes the already cheap loans of the KfW even cheaper. The RLP Entrepreneur Loan can be applied for in the following program variants:
- Investment loan (program number 547)
- Working capital loan (program number 548)
- Non-Liability Investment Loan (Schedule Number 575)
For who: for SMEs and freelancers who have been on the market for at least 5 years
delivery height: Low-interest/low-interest investment financing up to EUR 2 million and working capital financing up to EUR 500,000
Conditions: Flexible terms up to 20 years and optional years of grace, optional 50% liability waiver for investment finance up to €250,000 for companies with at least 2 full annual accounts
Financing conditions: Processing through the house bank
Venture capital (participation) of the investment and structure bank Rhineland-Palatinate (ISB)
Through various subsidiaries (investment funds), ISB makes equity capital available to companies in Rhineland-Palatinate in the form of direct investments (acquisition of company shares) and/or typical silent partnerships. Equity capital serves to strengthen the economic assets of the applicant company.
For who: small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the form of a company with a permanent establishment in Rhineland-Palatinate, not older than six years, innovative business model with growth prospects
delivery height: The maximum limit for participation in a first round of funding is EUR 500,000 and is based on financial contributions from shareholders or other investors
Financing conditions: Applications are submitted directly to the ISB. Before submitting an application, it is advisable to seek advice from the ISB department to clarify the application requirements and further procedure in a personal conversation.
Funding program “Innovative Startups” in RLP
innovative startup is conceived as a funding program for innovative and non-tech-oriented start-ups. The loan is disbursed in the form of co-financing through the granting of a one-off contribution.
delivery height: The grant is awarded for a period of 12 months up to 75% of eligible costs. Funding varies from a minimum funding amount of EUR 10,000 to a maximum funding amount of EUR 100,000 per kick-off project.
Funding guidelines: A competitive process is used to select start-ups and start-up projects for funding.
Microloans for start-ups and young businesses (ESF micro-mezzanine fund)
With funds from the ESF (European Social Fund) and the ERP special fund (EU Recovery Program), it is possible within the micro-mezzanine fund to increase economic equity as a start-up or as a small business through a silent participation. The micro mezzanine fund is managed by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy.
For who: Small and micro enterprises, startups and start-ups, training companies, women-led companies, companies run by people with a migrant background, start-ups from unemployment, commercially oriented social companies, environmentally oriented companies
delivery height: Loan up to a maximum of 50,000 euros with a duration of 10 years, companies in the start-up phase 35,000 euros, repayment from the 7th year in three equal annual installments.
Financing conditions: sufficient economic viability, no restructuring cases and no companies in difficulty
interest on the loan: 8% per annum (payable quarterly in arrears), 3.5% deposit processing fee (payable on payment), variable profit sharing (1.5% max) | It is not necessary to provide material guarantees.
Contact: MBG Rhineland-Palatinate (where the application must be submitted), tel. +49 6131 62915-61
Address: Medium-sized investment company Rhineland-Palatinate (MBG)
Rheinstr. 4H, 55116 Mainz
Investments of Business Angels Rheinland-Pfalz eV
At the RLP Business Angels you will find economically independent and entrepreneurially savvy people who advise and support young companies and also invest their own capital. As a rule, a BA starts with the creation of a business plan and can already provide you with valuable services here: because he looks at your idea and conception like a bank, so he wants to put many details into practice If you know your foundations, if you are convinced of it, you can invest even without the guarantees that banks usually ask you.
RLP Business Angels organize a corresponding event once a the quarter in which you Have 12 minutes for your presentation and then another 8 minutes to be ready for questions and discussions. As a result, you may have already convinced a BA from Mainz.
Contact: c/o Investment and Structure Bank Rhineland-Palatinate (ISB), Holzhofstraße 4, 55116 Mainz
contact person: Mischa Young
Telephone: 06131 6172-1476
Fax: 06131 6172-1378
Funded by competitions for start-ups
Competitions for start-ups in Mainz and RLP are actually a special form of financing. Because while there are many different competitions in other federal states that tend to compete with each other, RLP has combined the various competitions, coordinated them and then developed different phases for different start-up phases.

Find out the details of the various competitions for start-ups and how you can apply you here or in ours events calendar.
THERE IS a start-up grant – business start-ups from science
The EXIST grant is most likely familiar to most students and academic staff and is a really powerful funding tool for making university spin-offs possible.
Application and advice on this always takes place at your university, even if ultimately it concerns supra-regional funds. Contacts for the EXIST Scholarship at Mainz Universities:
Mainz University of Applied Sciences: Dr Sabine Hartel-Schenk, Head of Research/Transfer Department
Telephone: 06131 628-7325
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz: Alexandra Fischer (Department of Technology Transfer, Research and Technology Transfer) or Christine Göhring, MA (Startup Center)
Address: Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, 55099 Mainz
Telephone: 06131 39-27862 or 06131 39-24387
Mail: or
Funded by local crowdfunding: IDEENWALD
At the latest, when it comes to finding the right funding mix, many startups resort to crowdfunding, because in addition to money, these campaigns collect valuable customer feedback and build a fan base.
There is also regional crowdfunding at RLP: Idea Forest is a regional showcase for Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland crowdfunding campaigns on Startnext.
WIWIN: investing sustainably for sustainable startups
WIWIN is the platform for sustainable investments, specializing in investments in the fields of renewable energies, sustainable start-ups and energy-efficient real estate. The founder Matthias Willenbacher mainly had in mind to involve citizens more in the energy transition.
Accordingly, the company promotes and supports founders in the areas and offers an exciting format with the GRÜNDERlodge: Startups from the fields of sustainability, social entrepreneurship or regional impact in Rhenish Hessen can come to the lounge at the 1. FSV Mainz 05 in the MEWA Arena (formerly OPEL Arena) in Mainz. And they can talk to investors and multipliers at a home game of the Bundesliga soccer team and enjoy the soccer match in a VIP atmosphere. Subscription to FOUNDER stays here.
Address: Rheinstrasse 43-45, 55116 Mainz
Telephone: 06131. 9714-0
National contributions
In addition to the financing that mainly applies to Rhineland-Palatinate or Mainz in particular, you can of course also apply for nationally available financing.
The most important funding that all founders can apply for nationwide can be found in this one Read professional articles.
For one or the other of you, maybe the start-up contribution be relevant.