Health insurance for self-employed and founders: PKV vs GKV

5/5(1)When establishing a company, all necessary registration forms are complemented by registration with the health insurance company. When starting your first self-employment, you can choose whether you want statutory or private insurance (you cannot do this as an employee). You should make your choice carefully, because you can't undo it later. Important in this decision

Starting a company in Mainz: business incubators, hubs and contact points

5/5(5) In principle, Mainz has everything a founder has to offer: a good infrastructure, functioning and growing networks, short distances, attractive coworking spaces, a digital hub and busy institutions. We have put together the most important contact points, advice centers, start-up hubs and all important addresses that you should know as a founder. Leading business

Is my privately purchased car tax deductible?

4.2/5(15)The good news first: You can always deduct your business travel for tax purposes. You can still use your car privately. However, vehicle taxation is complicated. The tax office knows several variations of taxation, so you can not always choose according to your taste. The starting point for taxation is whether your car is classified

Passau start-up study: Unequal ownership distribution in the founding team leads to more innovation

5/5(1)From the very beginning, founders should think about how to distribute ownership shares in their company among themselves. Researchers from the University of Passau, the ZEW – Leibniz Center for European Economic Research in Mannheim and the IÉSEG School of Management in Paris have found that teams are more innovative when ownership is unevenly distributed.

Taxes: how is the distance allowance calculated?

5/5(5)NO. In principle, the journey to work can only be assessed as a simple flat-rate travel allowance from the place of residence to the place of work. For example, if the work is 15 kilometers from home, the taxpayer can declare 15 x €0.30 = €4.50 per working day in his tax return. Answers for

Once a tax return, always a tax return? | starter kitchen

3.5/5(4)NO. Once a taxpayer has filed a voluntary tax return, he does not oblige him to file a return in subsequent years. However, it is possible that the tax office will ask the taxpayer to file a return after a one-off payment – ​​in which case he must comply with this request. Answers for you:

Shortage of skilled workers in Germany: find solutions as a personnel manager

5/5(1)In a current Civey survey commissioned by the Bertelsmann Foundation Of a sample of 7,500 business decision makers surveyed, two-thirds (66%) said they currently have a shortage of skilled workers. In tracking skilled labor migration since the end of 2020, just over half of companies surveyed (54%) expressed an expectation that they would be short-staffed

Changing your tax return later – is it possible?

5/5(1)YES. As long as no tax assessment has been issued, the documents can be filed at a later date. In addition, after the issuance of the tax assessment, there is an objection period of one month, during which documents can also be submitted. Subsequently, it becomes difficult to specify the changes. Answers for you: Jörg

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German business angels are relieved that the INVEST subsidy remains

Business Angels Germany (BAND), the association of business angels in Germany, breathed a sigh of relief in the ecosystem of business angels and start-ups. The reason is the news from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) that business angels can use the INVEST subsidy for another four years. With the grant

Foundation in Mainz – You need to know this about the start-up ecosystem

4.6/5(10) The state of Rhineland-Palatinate with the state capital of Mainz does not particularly easily play a relevant role in the startup map. Frankfurt am Main and Darmstadt and neighboring Wiesbaden compete for founders. But even if Mainz has not yet been mentioned in the annual Startup Monitor issues: life as a founder is lively

Individual adventures: Evaneos secures multi-million dollar financing for faster growth in Europe

Evaneos, the online marketplace for individual travel dedicated to creating positive change in the tourism industry, is pleased to announce a €20 million funding round. The sum will be used to further expand Evaneos' growth in Europe. The young company enables travelers to have extraordinary adventures and experiences around the world with local experts. Evaneos'

XRechnung 2022 – that's all, MUST be on the XRechnung tip

5/5(1)You are all familiar with e-invoices (electronic invoices): You often send them to your customers in PDF format. But this is not really legally safe and data protection compliant and, above all, technically reasonable. Therefore, the EU has approved a regulation on how digital invoices should be created. Since November 2020, this requirement has been

Taxes: how is the distance allowance calculated?

5/5(5)NO. In principle, the journey to work can only be assessed as a simple flat-rate travel allowance from the place of residence to the place of work. For example, if the work is 15 kilometers from home, the taxpayer can declare 15 x €0.30 = €4.50 per working day in his tax return. Answers for

Heating, air conditioning, hot water: how companies can save energy

Does everyone in an office building turn on the heaters themselves or is the temperature automatically controlled based on the weather conditions and the respective room usage? Is the air conditioning running at full blast as the summer sun warms the rooms through the large windows or do the blinds automatically lower to keep things

Finally, employee participation should also become more attractive in German startups

A recently announced Future Financing Act bill provides significant improvements for employee equity ownership in startups. Bitkom president Achim Berg explains: “The changes that have now been announced are really good news for our startup scene and for Germany as a technology location. With a financially more attractive employee participation, German start-ups can finally move

Calculation of personnel costs in the business plan: this is how it works

4.56/5(9) In the start-up phase of a business, many building blocks are set that are essential for a stable business foundation. Anyone who makes mistakes here quickly risks the future of their startup. And: As the successful entrepreneur knows, a company cannot develop further without capable employees. Anyone who hires employees as a founder must

The Design Sprint: product development in 5 days

5/5(2)Startups and, of course, established companies have to continually reinvent themselves, bringing new products to market and thus keeping up with the times. Those who are not innovative and are constantly reinventing themselves will fall by the wayside. If you want to be as fast as Usain Bolt, you can learn a thing or two

10 insurance founders and startups need in 2023!

5/5(3)What insurance does a self-employed person really need? How do you adequately protect yourself as a startup? Studies have shown that around 90 percent of people who start their own businesses believe their business is well protected, yet only about half actually seek comprehensive advice. Not a good decision: there is no general answer to

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Die besten Homepage-Baukasten im Vergleich (Liste 01/2023)

4.51/5 (43) Homepage-Baukasten im Überblick – unsere Liste der besten Webbaukästen für Gründer & Startups, inkl. Kurzbeschreibung, für wen optimal, Links, Tipps und Highlights. So als Grundregel: Für die Besucher gilt immer – „was nicht professionell aussieht, kann auch nicht professionell sein“. Wer aber als Existenzgründer nicht ein paar tausend Euro für einen Designer und

Finally, employee participation should also become more attractive in German startups

A recently announced Future Financing Act bill provides significant improvements for employee equity ownership in startups. Bitkom president Achim Berg explains: “The changes that have now been announced are really good news for our startup scene and for Germany as a technology location. With a financially more attractive employee participation, German start-ups can finally move

German business angels are relieved that the INVEST subsidy remains

Business Angels Germany (BAND), the association of business angels in Germany, breathed a sigh of relief in the ecosystem of business angels and start-ups. The reason is the news from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) that business angels can use the INVEST subsidy for another four years. With the grant


Heating, air conditioning, hot water: how companies can save energy

Does everyone in an office building turn on the heaters themselves or is the temperature automatically controlled based on the weather conditions and the respective room usage? Is the air conditioning running at full blast as the summer sun warms the rooms through the large windows or do the blinds automatically lower to keep things

Develop an app, plan costs and market it: in 6 steps you can earn with your app

4.5/5(2)Step 1: Develop the app - brainstorm and visualize Some good ideas come as a surprise: they pop up one morning and you can start building an app right away. However, if you're not lucky enough to be "haunted" by such an idea, there are other, more systematic ways to generate ideas. For example, you

Digital engagement and awards: These projects win the Digital Union 2022 Audience Award

Digital bereavement support, smartphone counseling hours for seniors, an inclusive online platform, a digital advent calendar for schoolchildren: six projects won an online public vote for the Digital Union Audience Award among around 100 finalists - and received a total of €16,000 in prize money. The prize was awarded by the "Digital for All" alliance

Self employed as game developer earnings, registration, tip

5/5(1)Step 1: Market opportunity as a game developer Computers and video games, whether on computers, smartphones or any console, are firmly ingrained in everyday life. About every second the German now plays: 34.3 million people are gamers, and this beyond the limits of age and gender. And anyone who thinks that it is mainly a

What you've always wanted to know: so that the Metaverse doesn't remain a bohemian village

The metaverse or metaverse is currently considered to be the future of the internet in the tech scene. However, the term is still largely unknown in the German economy. Just over half of companies (55%) say they've never heard of the Metaverse. 17 percent have heard the term before, but don't know exactly what it

Apply for a 2023 Starter Grant Checklist – PDF Instructions

4.69/5(13) Download the Startup Grant Checklist: There is a start-up grant for anyone who wants to start a business without a job. For everyone? Well, you have to convince the employment officer in the job center with your project. And write down the right steps in the right order. Ours will show you how it


XRechnung 2022 – that's all, MUST be on the XRechnung tip

5/5(1)You are all familiar with e-invoices (electronic invoices): You often send them to your customers in PDF format. But this is not really legally safe and data protection compliant and, above all, technically reasonable. Therefore, the EU has approved a regulation on how digital invoices should be created. Since November 2020, this requirement has been

Seven out of ten workers are under professional pressure during the summer holidays

Calls from superiors, messages from your team or emails from business partners – seven out of ten employees (71 percent) can be reached professionally while on vacation this summer. Only a quarter (27%) don't want to be bothered with official requests during the holidays. This is the result of a representative survey of over 1,000

Calculating Your Freelance Fees: Key Factors to Consider for Success

5/5(1)Your compensation as a freelancer or self-employed will largely determine your success. If you ask too much, you may not be marketable to competitors - if you sell yourself below value, this will have a negative effect on your overall balance over the medium term. So you should think about your share amount at the

XRechnung 2022 – that's all, MUST be on the XRechnung tip

5/5(1)You are all familiar with e-invoices (electronic invoices): You often send them to your customers in PDF format. But this is not really legally safe and data protection compliant and, above all, technically reasonable. Therefore, the EU has approved a regulation on how digital invoices should be created. Since November 2020, this requirement has been