Individual adventures: Evaneos secures multi-million dollar financing for faster growth in Europe

Evaneos, the online marketplace for individual travel dedicated to creating positive change in the tourism industry, is pleased to announce a €20 million funding round. The sum will be used to further expand Evaneos' growth in Europe. The young company enables travelers to have extraordinary adventures and experiences around the world with local experts. Evaneos'

Tax-free in-kind benefits for employees – this is how it works!

5/5(1)What are benefits in kind? Non-monetary benefits are income that is not cash, such as goods and services that you as an employer offer your employees as fringe benefits. In principle, these so-called benefits are initially regarded as your employee income, i.e. assets that exist in cash or monetary value within the meaning of §

Headhunting should get smarter and faster: HR startup from Berlin gets seven-figure funding

After two years of successful bootstrapping, Berlin-based HR tech startup Jomigo is now backed by well-known investors from the world of HR and venture capital. The startup, founded in 2020 by Jannis Eller, Jonathan Muhr and Tobias Grieb, uses capital for the mission to revolutionize the headhunter market: the active recruitment of rare specialists should

Thomas Schmidt has been named Business Angel of the Year 2022

Business angel Thomas Schmidt from Leipzig is like "Business Angel of the Year 2022" been awarded. Schmidt was awarded the "Golden Nose" for his "good nose" in his start-ups. For the 22nd time Angels Netzwerk Deutschland (BAND) awarded the "Goldene Nase" in the "Business Angel of the Year", which is the oldest award of its

Is my privately purchased car tax deductible?

4.2/5(15)The good news first: You can always deduct your business travel for tax purposes. You can still use your car privately. However, vehicle taxation is complicated. The tax office knows several variations of taxation, so you can not always choose according to your taste. The starting point for taxation is whether your car is classified

Changing your tax return later – is it possible?

5/5(1)YES. As long as no tax assessment has been issued, the documents can be filed at a later date. In addition, after the issuance of the tax assessment, there is an objection period of one month, during which documents can also be submitted. Subsequently, it becomes difficult to specify the changes. Answers for you: Jörg

Passau start-up study: Unequal ownership distribution in the founding team leads to more innovation

5/5(1)From the very beginning, founders should think about how to distribute ownership shares in their company among themselves. Researchers from the University of Passau, the ZEW – Leibniz Center for European Economic Research in Mannheim and the IÉSEG School of Management in Paris have found that teams are more innovative when ownership is unevenly distributed.

Once a tax return, always a tax return? | starter kitchen

3.5/5(4)NO. Once a taxpayer has filed a voluntary tax return, he does not oblige him to file a return in subsequent years. However, it is possible that the tax office will ask the taxpayer to file a return after a one-off payment – ​​in which case he must comply with this request. Answers for you:

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Develop an app, plan costs and market it: in 6 steps you can earn with your app

4.5/5(2)Step 1: Develop the app - brainstorm and visualize Some good ideas come as a surprise: they pop up one morning and you can start building an app right away. However, if you're not lucky enough to be "haunted" by such an idea, there are other, more systematic ways to generate ideas. For example, you

Translation of video content: vidby's AI-powered software enables translation of the highest quality

5/5(2)Digitization and automation are becoming increasingly important in companies With regard to their internal and external communication, their marketing strategies and their presentations, companies rely more and more on technical achievements such as online AI-powered services. Video productions are increasingly used in the aforementioned fields, because they offer the opportunity to present important content to

Finally, employee participation should also become more attractive in German startups

A recently announced Future Financing Act bill provides significant improvements for employee equity ownership in startups. Bitkom president Achim Berg explains: “The changes that have now been announced are really good news for our startup scene and for Germany as a technology location. With a financially more attractive employee participation, German start-ups can finally move

the best handyman apps in the test

Modern craft enterprises pay attention not only to professional development, whether it concerns machines, tools or building materials. You can only be successful if you also make the work related to administration, customer service and accounting lean, fast and effective. The good news: There are some crafter software offerings that relieve you of these tasks.

Canceling activity registration – how do I cancel an activity registration?

4.37/5(19)Those who no longer carry out their business must also report it to the competent commercial office. This is regulated very clearly by section 14 of the GewO (trade regulations). Any change affecting trade must be reported to the competent authority. Of course, this also applies to the fact that you no longer want to

Startups are the future of the economy

5/5(1)(Sponsored post) Today's innovative founders are tomorrow's SMEs. They are bringing with them new business models and new products that could change entire industries. They create jobs, provide training, use retail and office space, and pay taxes to the cities where they are based. Who are these innovative startups? What drives you? How can they

When to submit your tax return? | starter kitchen

5/5(1)The general deadline is May 31 of the following year. But: the faster you submit the declaration, the faster the money goes back to the tax authorities! The tax office no longer has to process a voluntarily submitted tax return after more than four years. The period for mandatory tax filing is even longer: the

Digital engagement and awards: These projects win the Digital Union 2022 Audience Award

Digital bereavement support, smartphone counseling hours for seniors, an inclusive online platform, a digital advent calendar for schoolchildren: six projects won an online public vote for the Digital Union Audience Award among around 100 finalists - and received a total of €16,000 in prize money. The prize was awarded by the "Digital for All" alliance

Becoming self-employed in Mainz: regional support programs for founders

5/5(3) In addition to a detailed plan, those who want to found a company first need one thing: sufficient capital. Own funds and start-up loans are on the one hand, on the other hand you should also consider existing financing opportunities. Sometimes there are considerable sums, many of which are also in the form of

Choco against food waste: the food startup receives millions of investments

Choco, a food tech start-up aiming to revolutionize the restaurant industry and eliminate food waste, has just secured €25 million in new funding from high-profile investors. The latest round of investment was led by internal investors who reinvested in Choco, a testament to the company's success, its potential for continued growth and its $1.2 billion

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No additional payments for a voluntarily filed tax return?

5/5(4)Right. If, contrary to expectations, the tax return does not involve a refund, but rather a request for an additional payment, the taxpayer can withdraw the income tax assessment application. However, this is only possible as long as the tax assessment is not yet final or within one month of receipt of the assessment. There

Choco against food waste: the food startup receives millions of investments

Choco, a food tech start-up aiming to revolutionize the restaurant industry and eliminate food waste, has just secured €25 million in new funding from high-profile investors. The latest round of investment was led by internal investors who reinvested in Choco, a testament to the company's success, its potential for continued growth and its $1.2 billion

Canceling activity registration – how do I cancel an activity registration?

4.37/5(19)Those who no longer carry out their business must also report it to the competent commercial office. This is regulated very clearly by section 14 of the GewO (trade regulations). Any change affecting trade must be reported to the competent authority. Of course, this also applies to the fact that you no longer want to


The best payroll program compared to 2023

4.61/5(46) First things first: if you ask yourself whether a payroll program makes sensethen the answer is: Payroll accounting in 2023 will hardly be possible without specialized software. The large number of legal regulations that must be observed very precisely in payroll accounting and in the administration of the numerous reporting regulations and legal requirements

Digital Day 2023: Focus on skills

Booking medical appointments online, understanding artificial intelligence, being able to recognize misinformation on the web: digital knowledge forms the basis for everyone to move safely and independently in the digital world. As a result, four out of five people in Germany (83%) want IT and digital media skills to be promoted at all levels. This

This is how important it is to improve digital skills for professional life

Managing complex high-tech machines, working with the latest office software, collaborating between different teams across borders and locations - in order to stay current in professional life, many employees have completed further training in the last 2 years. For example, 40% of employed people used additional training opportunities to improve their digital skills in the

From Marketing Strategy to Marketing Calendar: Here's How to Get Started Successfully in the Market | Instructions in 8 steps

5/5(3)Marketing is an important part of your business plan. It helps you define your goals and develop a clear message that resonates with your target audience. But without a well thought-out strategy and without a concrete implementation plan, you risk that your advertising measures will not be effective and you will not be able to

Startups are full of confidence | starter kitchen

In the past two years, the situation for startups in Germany has improved. This is what 42% of tech startup founders say. Another 40 percent see no change, and only 12 percent complain about the deteriorating situation for start-ups. These are the results of a survey of around 150 technology startups commissioned by the digital

Heating, air conditioning, hot water: how companies can save energy

Does everyone in an office building turn on the heaters themselves or is the temperature automatically controlled based on the weather conditions and the respective room usage? Is the air conditioning running at full blast as the summer sun warms the rooms through the large windows or do the blinds automatically lower to keep things


Seven out of ten workers are under professional pressure during the summer holidays

Calls from superiors, messages from your team or emails from business partners – seven out of ten employees (71 percent) can be reached professionally while on vacation this summer. Only a quarter (27%) don't want to be bothered with official requests during the holidays. This is the result of a representative survey of over 1,000

Improve your creditworthiness: so you get loans easier as a self-employed person

Self-employed people usually have a much harder time getting a loan. Banks check very carefully, especially with start-ups, before making funds available. The centerpiece of a credit check is the solvency, and this can become a major obstacle for the self-employed. Of course, lenders are also rather reluctant due to the often lack of guarantees

Now the digital competition is getting fiercer

In view of the abundance of trouble spots, Achim Berg of the digital lobby association Bitkom called for "digital solutions to be used comprehensively and immediately". “With digital technologies we can move the world. These current momentous challenges can only be tackled digitally. It will only work with and not without and certainly not against

Writing a business continuity plan: the business plan for corporate succession

5/5(7) An idea and a fairly precise plan are the most important prerequisites for a start-up. You don't even have to start a new company: The corporate succession it is a serious alternative to founding a new company. There are many good reasons to start your own business with a company acquisition start. Here you